
Sunday, 3 April 2011

You need a little 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Just a bit of Kraft, some photos, paper, letters and embellies ;)

This is my Kraft it Up take for April

These Feet are Made for Running - (oh and tripping, but that's another story) I'm pretty sure I kept with this challenge. You have to check it out ;) Dea is always running to where ever he wants to go. I don't think he knows what slow down means and his knees know it now. Fallen down the hill twice in the past three days and now is sporting a nice big gash in his knee. Kept this simple, little bit of Cosmo Cricket , little bit of Hambly and some other cute touches ;)


Dara Lynn said...

What a precious shot of his feet!!!! You are right! They are nonstop full tilt running at that age!

Unknown said...

This looks so good Nic :) especially like the little torn bits of paper on the edges!
Aga xx

Annemieke said...

I love the LO! You make so manny inspiring things!! Just great.