
Saturday, 19 June 2010

My Dirty Man

Morning people

My dirty man.

He loves the outdoors

He loves playing in the dirt

Think he might like eating it too by the look of his face

He also likes to run away from me when I have a camera

I do like the vintagey look of the bottom two photos :)

Hope you have a fabulous Saturday, we're off to a car show, woohoo, wait for all the car photos. We're all rev head here :) lol

Hopefully I can get creative tonight, seeing as NOTHING was achieved last night. hmmm computers


Leanne said...

My goodness! He is getting bigger and bigger! I had to look twice to recognise Dea! :)

Great photos..x

Jolanda said...

Ah,how sweet!!!Love the pictures.
Have a good weekend,Jolanda