What do you do when you are bored?????
Make Plastic Bag Balloon Kites
How EASY are these
all you need to do is tie both handles of a plastic shopping bag together with a piece of sting
You run around crazy with them for awhile
making sure you dodge all the toys that you've left out after playing
when sick of mum taking photos you screw your face up
and then run off
to jump on the Trampoline of course (this is what Char calls her horns)
have to try and out do each other with height
I don't know who got the most air. Zac's really getting into it now
So remember when the kids are bored, make some Plastic Bag Ballon Kites.....
just make sure you keep an eye on them, plastic bags, string and kids bit of a deadly mix
Haha love it! Looks like they had alot of fun playing with them and jumping on the tramp :)
Oh this reminds me of a day that I took two littles to the park. Goose found a bag and turned it into a kite. It was so funny. When we left she said that she had forgotten her kite.
Your "littles" are cuties.
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