
Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Some Shares :)

There is so much I might have to do this over a few days, so we'll start off with what I had published in the latest issue of Scrapbook Creations.

What on earth blogger is doing to me I have no idea. Why does it rotate my LO's. It's soooo annoying.

Show and Tell Feature - Greatest Accomplishment

Artist Within Gallery


Trend Talk Article

Trend Talk Article - yep it is a double, some how they forgot to photography the left hand side, huh????

Trend Talk Article

So that's it for now.

I'm going to try and get productive while Luke is away



Hello, I'm Vicki said...

wow gorgeous layouts, i love them all but espeically the double!!! stunning xxx

BabyBokChoy said...

Lots of new things all at once to look at!!! I really love the green ones, maybe it's the trees that I'm attracted to? But they look fantastic!!! And your first layout's photo is the most precious, I just love how the baby is sitting there droopy, a very familiar look, lol!!!! any more ultrasound photos/layouts to share? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On my way... said...

U know I love these!! I even did a "Nic inspired" tree on a LO over the weekend :)


Krissy Christie said...

Wow these are amazing!Your work is such an inspiration :D

Krissy xx

Kirsty said...

Gorgeous! You totally OWNED that mag!!! LOL
So funny about them forgetting to photograph half of the LO!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Haha I saw that LO titled TED in the magazine and was wondering where the 'Exhaus..." bit was - i thought you were just getting creative with your titling! LOL!

Maxine said...

Love all the layouts. I haven't bought SC for a while. Looks like I need to get a new subscription.

Anonymous said...

suddenly your 'ted layout makes a lot more sense lol.. all gorgeous, very inspiring!