
Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Share Part 2


Color Combo 122


Chippy School at Scrapping Outback which is now finished


Seven Deadly Sins Challenge at Wicked Princesses


Will leave you with that for the moment

Have now got three sick kids, Charlotte has the flu I had last week along with another case of vomiting, and Zac and Dea are just getting the flu. Not fun, so I don't know when I'll be back with more.......

Have a great day



Ali said...

i LOVE these layouts nic!! you are an inspiration - with 3 sick kidlets and layouts coming out your ears you make my scrapping look pathetic! :) haha!!

I especially love your Luke layout and the die cut edge of the last layout! GORGEOUS! xox

raquel said...

I'm a lurker but I just had to say I love your LITTLE MONSTER page!!!

Binxcat1 said...

Loving all your work... both here and published... you are kickin' butt chickie!

Hope you all get better FAST... sick kidlets = NO FUN FOR MUM! Lots of lubs and hugs to you and yours.

scrapbook CAPITAL said...

great shares there Nic and i hope your kids are better soon. Special mention with the chippy, wow it looks amazing.

Leanne said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I love the "sleep"lo. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nic love love love your LO sleep its just stunning! hope you are well
Bridge xx
I have linked your blog from mine now:) bit slack huh!!

Unknown said...

Love your sleep layout too Nic! and hope your little one's get better soon :)
Aga xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Nic, I really, really wanted to do the Chippie Highschool, I love Rachelle, I just couldn't find the time, I love what you did in the class as well as everything else as usual, hoping you are all feeling a lot better soon, Tiff :o)

Aussie TM5 Thermomixer said...

Love your sloth layout! All your layouts in the latest SC are stunning! Your work is so inspiring :)