So this is what happens when you have a few deadlines, a few things that you just FEEL like doing and then forgetting what you were suppose to use on a challenge.... oops
Just Me - Well this was suppose to be for hmmmm not telling cause it might make it easy to see what the next challenge is...... hehehehehehe. Mish Mash of Sass and Prima on this one, plus a few other pieces. I know I've said it before but I'm really really loving using my hipsta prints in my scrapping :)

My Babies in My Hand - Found all of the kids ankle tags from when they were born. So sweet, it's hard to believe they were all once sooooo small. I do have to thank the GORGEOUS Lou for these papers, thank you sweets, was a very much appreciated gift. I haven't actually brought anything new at all this year. No idea how I've not, dying for new product... Again mix of Sass and Prima. Can you spot those sweet little flowers peaking out, oh and the awesome button down the bottom ;)
Trendy - This was going to be for White With 1 but I'm unsure to enter it. Maybe a little too much 'other' colour showing through. These glasses were one of Charlottes christmas presents and HAS to wear them now every time we go somewhere. LOVES them, again using a bit of Sass. Just LOVE the foldies. How fun are they. Plus soooo easy to cut up and layer
Afternoon Treat - All my kids would live on watermelon if I let them and if it was cheap ;) Wanted to keep it very simple but LOVE how this has turned out almost like a randome sort of patchwork and yep ONCE again Sass ;) Couldn't help that I didn't want to put these papers down, the colours are just gorgeous.
Well thanks for stopping by
Hope today has been a good one for you.
I love them all, Nic!!! I love the photos of you - they look wicked cool. That double rocks. The pink one which was for WW1 is gorgeous - love that colour - so vibrant. Did you invent it? LOVE LOVE LOVE! :D
Your layouts are truly beautiful!!! You must be SUPER mommy to find time to scrap with 4 (gorgeous)kiddies :)
Gorgeous work Nic!! Love your WW1.. thanks for playing along :)
They areall soo gergeous!!
all the details, the colours.. everything!
Love it!
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