
Friday, 7 January 2011

Art Journal Journey Day Seven

I will just let the pictures speak for themselves.


Thanks for stopping by



Leanne J said...

yay Nic.. this art journal looks super amazing and OH so FUN....

Jenny said...

Oh what beautiful journal pages Nicole... and such gorgeous colors on those pages... gotta love art journaling :)))

Jenny x

Heather Jacob said...

gorgeous work nic...these pages will be great to look back on in years to come..keep going ..
hugs xo

AngC said...

LOVE that wings page!! But then I liked it when it was just a background too. :)

Jingle said...

Hmmm...that is a great question...where ARE my wings hiding...these are beautiful, but I must say that the wings piece really caught me today. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Angi Barrs said...

Fab art journal. Love the dress form and the wings. You are mentioned on my blog today. Check it out here:

Unknown said...

Oh this art journel looks amazing!!! Love what you are doing, so inspirational! Thanks for all your thoughts and care for me, we got home via Sarina, Clermont...such a long way. The northern road into Rocky isn't cut like everyone makes out it is...well at least not on Tuesday when we left. We just had to wait for the roads and bridge to open into Emerald before heading off. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.


Shell said...

Just amazing. Looks absolutely Fantastic. Im looking forward to seeing more.
Shell x

Gio said...

I love your pages, so brilliant and vibrant !

runzalot81 said...

These pages are awesome! I have finally started my own thanks to your inspiration :)

milkcan said...

Wow! I'm totally blown away! Amazing stuff! So glad you're participating in Art Journal Every Day!