
Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Mixed Media Fun

Been doing a class over at Suzi Blu, been an absolute blast and I've realised just how much I love painting and mixing techniques.

I managed to do this over a couple of days and not the 5 weeks or so that everyone else worked in, between sick family, kids just being crazy and the million other things I've had going on I just could never find 5 minutes through the weeks to get a start on it.

As for that blue spot on her face, I stuck my girl down without checking to see if my background was dry, sort of soaked up some glimmermist, opps. LOL. didn't want to blend the mark out as I liked the fragile, moody look it ended up giving.

Added so many layers and colours, this started off soooooo bright to begin with and I've blended and adjusted the colours and it's ended up a very moody, nearly dark painting which I'm loving.

So here 'She' is........ I'm stuck for a name any suggestions would be fantastic.

Be warned there will be many more of these to come.

Let me know what you think



Tara said...

holy crap Nic. thats friggen awesome!!

Deb G said...

Cool Nic!! Her Eyes are amazing!!!!
I can see youve had fun..I loved that class...Im glad youre loving it..Cant wait to see more!!! Hmm..I think she looks like a Piipa..or Pippy..or Piper?? the princess of Petals...LOL..(I dont know??)Im sure youll come up with something wonderful!!

TatumW said...

totally awesome Nic, absolutely stunning! I'm sure her name will come to you in a flash of inspiration! xxx

Leanne said...

Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous! Can't wait to see what else you produce.

miasmummy said...

Wowee, girl!!! I just love her! I am in awe of her and you for making her so beautiful! Thanks for the comment, I love it when you pop in!!

BabyBokChoy said...

OH MY GOSH, you are entirely WAY too talented!!! I would name her "Send to Jing-Jing ASAP" LOL

Maxine said...

Love what you have created!!! Would love to see more :)

Unknown said...

Wow Nic.... I love it!!!! and it looks like it was alot of fun to create. Actually I'm a bit excited because it's the first time in ages that I've actually been able to open up your blog :) love the makeover too - looks great!
Aga xx

AngC said...

Looks awesome Nic!! You'll have to share how you did it with me! :)

Jingle said...

This is gorgeous! I love it!

Bonita Rose said...

wow... stunning. u are uber talented!

Caz McLachlan said...

Really gorgeous Nicole.

for some reason the name Esmerelda came to me. Absolutely no idea where from though. lol


Maria said...

wow! that is fantastic! there's just no end to your talents :) x

Lea said...

wow wow wow you did a brilliant job!