
Friday, 17 July 2009

I can't remember what I have or haven't shown so here is a few of the things I've been working on the past couple of weeks, mostly new Scrapware releases, and the new BG.


LOVE this double, don't do many but I just love this. LOL

Some of the pics that were taken at the show.

One of Char now she's a big 4 YEAR OLD

Have 'stuff' to do so peace out peeps, and have a glorious weekend.



Marcie said...

These are all gorgeous, WOW!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I'm in!!!!!! Still had some probs, but got here none the less. Can I just say, your double is FABULOUS girlfriend, I soooo love it and the horse LO too, I love how you did the title, delicious eye candy, Nic can't get enough, don't want to close this page now so I can stay in LOL!!! Are you an active member at Scrap In Style TV? I'd love to know as I may have to join there shortly too, till next time, stay cool chickie, Tiff xx.

BabyBokChoy said...

Wow, you sure crank out some beauties, I really like the BG lemonade, I'm still in the actively resisting phase with that line. Your 2-pagers look phenomenal!!

Stacey Young said...

Beautiful LO's Nic, I just love the double Lollipop one, it's gorgeous!!!

Heather Bares said...

wow, awesome layouts!!!

Anonymous said...

these are stunning Nic!
I love the Three/Love layout!
I havent been here in a couple of weeks - so much gorgeous creating to catch up on!

scrapbook CAPITAL said...

wow, awesome layouts... love that lollipop layout.... its absolutely stunning