
Wednesday, 10 June 2009


Thanks smack blog bitches, you made my day

Anonymous said...
Scrapping sob stories. Nicole Pomeroy complaining on her blog only one person turned up to her last class and that was her embarrassing. as if you would admit to that. Karen Day is giving up scrapping...not feeling inspired. Perhaps if they didn't tart themselves all over the shop and tried to be in everyone's face all the time, they wouldn't feel such pressure and people wouldn't be so over them. boo hooo hooo
June 9, 2009 7:35 PM

Who freaking cares if you would be embarrassed, I was just pissed I had to travel all that way for nothing,

Take care now, or crawl back into your holes, either way


Anonymous said...

Frick me those girls are cows...(And frick wasn't the word I was actually thinking, but keeping it nice for blogger)

Honestly, you'd have to have no life to be a grown adult and still get off on acting like you're head cheerleader making everyone else at schools life miserable!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nic, call me dumb and naive, I'm probably both LOL because I don't know who Karen Day is and I don't know the comments to which you refer, but I can say that you should take them as a compliment (although I know you are only human and its hard) because if you were no-one, then they wouldn't even be mentioning you, so with that said, consider yourself "someone" and send it off into cyberverse as its not worth the energy, give your kids a cuddle instead, Tiff :o)

scrapbook CAPITAL said...

lol.... nice... not!!! Nic I am so glad you havent taken offence to this especially for brave "anonymous" to speak his/her mind and get it out there!!!
gee how unfortunate to have a name like "anonymous", it must be hard as nobody would know who they were all the time!!! ;)
Nic, blog away..... I love ya even if the only following you have is me and your
Keep on smiling hun...xxxx

Crystal Goulding said...

LOL. Yep I agree will all the above!! And don't worry, I read your blog and I would love to come to one of your classes if I lived closer down South!

On my way... said...

LMAO - I've always thought the day ur talked about is the day u know you've really made it, pmsl!!

And lol @ "as if you'd admit that", who ever wrote it obviously takes themselves far too seriously and should get down off of their high horse - love ur reaction, "crawl back into your holes", pmsl, too funny.


Wendy Smith said...

that is hilarious Nic...well you are definately famous is you are good enough to get a smackng...LMAO

good on you for having a SOH over ROCK

georgia said...

i agree, you have officially "made it" if people are taking the time to snipe at you - anonymously no less! glad you can shrug it off (and call me naive, but it a smack blog?)

BabyBokChoy said...


But look on the bright side, lol, if you can laugh at all, you've been smacked, you've arrived at the BIG time!!! You are now in the same realm as Ali Edwards!!! Silver lining!!!

But :(((( hugs...

Unknown said...

Seriously??? who did you have to piss off to get your name mentioned there LOL! And agree you must be doing something right for people to talk about you anyway ;)
Aga xx

Hetty Hall said...

Wow Nic, you are famous, you made it on to a smack blog :) Seriously though, didn't even realize there was another one around again, will have to do a google. Chin up hun these people are just jealous, it is their problem, we all luv ye!!
Hugs xoxo

Maxine said...

Only shows what sad lives some people must live to get their highs on talking crap about others.

You rock and I agree with the others - you have hit important famous status now :)

Nic said...

Gee Nic... famous you hey!!! First I read this and was FURIOUS... at how 'someone' (if they deserve to be called even that, as they are most possibly a nobody with no life) but now I think gee... how JEALOUS they must be of you girls that are so talented and out there that they need to be so nasty and petty.. reminds me of the bitches I went to school with that liked nothing more than to make people feel bad.. and now I look at them and think - so where did it get you then????
You are a lovely person (tarting around??? PMSL... what a crock!!) and your work is fabulous! And the fact that you 'admitted' to having a bad lesson shows that you are down to earth and tell it how it is...
Be proud that they think so highly of you that they feel the need to bring you down a peg hey... and that they've given us all an excuse to help you back up :) I'm sure no-one is lining up to agree with them...
Love you and what you do Nic! xx

Leanne said...

OMG! Where do these people come from? Clearly their pathetic little minds can't think of anything nice to say or they are seething with jealousy they just can't think straight...(feeble minded).

I love your work, Nic. And I'd be extremely annoyed if I had to travel an hour in one direction just to turn around and then go home.

Seriously, people who leave worthless comments are clearly worthless themselves. Long live the "SMACK-the-smackblog" club.

Aussie TM5 Thermomixer said...

I agree with what the others have said - you are famous when you're mentioned on a smack site! Good on you for having such a good attitude about it Nic - those people seriously don't have a life!! You know the people who are behind you, don't listen to those spineless cowards!!! LOL

Tracy Firth said...

OMG I have never even heard of a Smack Blog - you know I turned away from the stamping industry because of all the bitches there and it seems they have come over to the scrapping side now. Bloody hell som people have nothing better to do with their time. Oh to be perfect!!!!! I say FRICK off and get a life. LOVE ya babe

Jodie said...

haha goddamn those scrap smack people i really think they need a life, i dont get pissed, i always feel sad for them,
but you know whats sad, some of them are sometimes people who are nice to your face,so to speak, so really you cant trust anyone i learnt that via that lovely smack site :) anwyay yeah, they are pathetic so dont worry about them babe, ur better than them anyday :)


Maria said...

the nerve of ppl! i guess jealousy affects ppl in different ways, hey? ;) anyways, keep on being you and everything will be alright :) x

Anonymous said...

You're no one until you are talked about. ;)
Take it as a compliment. :)

LIly'sMummy said...

I really cannot believe these sad little small minded bitchy jealous cows! How can people even be like that??? It has got me. Take it as a complament like the others have said you must be famous if you have been smack blogged.
Keep up the great inspiration and attitude Nic. You are better than they will ever be!