
Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Have you seen.............

My Mojo

if you see it, please send it home.

I'm missing not creating.

*sob sob*


Her Essential Hand said...

If I see your mojo, I will send it back, promise, hopefully its just on a day trip and will return home on dark :)
Thanks the beautiful comments on my blog and for tagging me, never been tagged before, THANKS so much!!
Love your work too!
Hope all the kids are good.

georgia said...

i honestly think yours and mine may have eloped! i have done 1 page in the last 2 weeks... i have 2 pages i have to do this week and i cannot be bothered.... hope yours turns up soon!

On my way... said...

Oh no Nic!! Don't say that, I need ur work to inspire me :D It's probably just being stifled by ur cold, rest up, eat lots of veggies, u'll be back in no time ;)


Tara said...

Maybe it went to visit mine..

Hope yours doesn't stay away for as long as mine has though.......

Sue said...

Ah the lost mojo, wonder where it goes? There must be a mojo meeting place somewhere, cause mine went awol there for a while too.
I am sure yours will come back to you soon enough, how could it possible stay away, Lol.

BabyBokChoy said...

sending you some ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jodie said...

nic i think our mojos went on a holiday together :)

Bea said...

It's dancing with The Muse.

Tracy Firth said...

I soooooooo know what you mean love. I think your mojo and mine may have gone on holidays together. I hope they are having a lovely time but come home very soon. HUGS and congrats on teh mag cover you clever chookie.