
Friday, 15 May 2009


I'm still here.

Just been busy and don't have much net time

Quick update

Dea seems better, no idea what was wrong with him

Charlotte's had vomiting, which was horrible, every 30 minutes for about 12 hours. Awake and perky today, hasn't stopped eating to make up for it, LOL

Luke has his first race tomorrow night, we're in trouble cause we're not going to watch anymore, but I don't want to take charlotte out in the cold night air.

Had a little scrap free time, but stuck into it again, managed 5 lo's in one day, record for me :)

Will be back soon with shares :)

Hope you all have a fab weekend



Anonymous said...

5 layouts in one day, holy heck you're a scrapping steam roller!!! You go girl!!!!!

Nic said...

You're a scrapping machine!!! Glad Dea is feeling better and poor Charlotte... that sounds horrid! Kody and I have a touch of the flu... tis the season!!
Can't wait to see some shares :-) xx

Leanne said...

Wow! Five lo's!!! I could only dream that. hehehe Glad the kids are feeling much better.

scrapbook CAPITAL said...

gee its unlike you to not for a week but good to hear your ok and still here. Thank you heaps for the massive RAK... It was HUGE!!! and I love it so thanks again. Glad to hear Dea is ok and hope Charlottoe is better too. Good luck to your hubby with his race...

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see all those layouts!! your work is always fantastic and I have left you a little something over at my blog so hope you will stop by :)
Aga xx

Alishia said...

Hey Nic,
Received my lovely RAK today, thanks so much!
Hope your Kiddies are feeling all better soon!
Cant Beleive how old Dea is now! Time flies!

AnnetteL said...

OMG! 5 layouts in one day! That is amazing, speedy scrapper! Can't wait to see the shares :)

Hope everyone gets better real soon for you. Unfortunately, a lot of it is going around, my household has been sick on and off for the past month!

Take Care