
Sunday, 31 May 2009

Latest news

Just a quick one to say HI and to let you all know that after my EXTREMELY disappointing class yesterday 1 person out of 6 turned up, and that was my mum. I know one person has very good reasons but for the others......... hmm I just won't say it.

Anyway to get on with it, I have steped down from my position at Scrap 'n' Scrap, apart from the lack of enthusiasm I was getting from my classes. I feel like I wasn't developing in the way I want to with my scrapping. Need to be around people who are willing to get me motivated and stretch my boundaries.

That's about it :)

Hope your weekend has been good to you




miasmummy said...

What a bummer, I would have been there if I weren't so darn far away!! xxx

On my way... said...

Me too!! They don't know how lucky they r to have u so close ;)


scrapbook CAPITAL said...

bugger Nic, I completely understand and only know too well how you are feeling. Best to do what you have done rather than let it eat at you.... but i still love ya!!!

Kathie said...

you poor girl!! I really feel for you Nic, I run classes here at home, not a LSS for 100 miles around here. Sometimes nobody turns up and there is not phone call....its worse when its your DT girls that don't come. then sometimes we have 10!! go figure!!

Leanne said...

Sorry to hear about your disappointing turn up for your class. Do you have to travel very far?


that suxs.... cant believe that are an amazing designer and i am always inspired by your creations.. love what have u done so far over at wicked princesses.. dont let it get u down... :)

Jodie said...

aw nic that sucks, you know id go to ur class - never been to one but id go to urs to support u, plus i think ur friggen awesome, and could maybe teach me some new skills :)

take care