
Monday, 26 January 2009

Share Time - Part Two

to continue on from yesterday, the rest of my latest creations.

Weekly Challenge at The Boxx

Color Combo's Challenge

Color Combo's Challenge

Scrapbook Fantasies Challenge

Color Combos Challenge

As you can see I've been getting Challenged quiet a bit. Love switching my styles around and playing with what's in front of me. Have been getting a little creative again and when I'm finished I'll surely show what I've been up to.

Until I post again. Which hopefully should be in the next few days (have lots of photos)

Take Care



Melissa said...

Glad you are feeling better Nic! Gorgeous LOs...I don't know how you find the time!LOL!

Wendy Smith said...

beautiful work on the sure have been busy

scrapbook CAPITAL said...

your definetely pumping out those layouts Nic, and doing a great job too.

Anonymous said...

have your say here

Helen Kinsela said...

Sorry to hear you're not well, definitely NOT what you need with 3 little ones so I really feel for you. Hope you get better ASAP.
But wow, look at all those awesome pages. Gorgeous work.

Cindy said...

absolutely beautiful layouts. love your talent.